Prepare for the Call:
- For more information about our Selection Calls, please see our short training video.
- If you haven’t already, complete the Get Started Roadmap. While it requires some effort, it will help you organize key aspects of remote work ahead of the Kick Off Call, ensuring maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
- Prepare your Selection Call Questions, considering our recommended questions below.
- Questions to ASK
- Questions to AVOID
Following the Call:
- Time is of the essence. Freedom Makers often apply for multiple positions, so making a quick decision increases your chances of securing your preferred candidate.
- Think about when you want the Kick Off Call. After you decide, we move to the **third step.** To help clients plan ahead, we offer the following windows:
- M, W, F: 11:00am - 1:00pm ET
- T, TH: 2:00pm - 4:00pm ET
💡 The below graphic of potential questions is available to download and print, if you prefer: