We offer our clients and Freedom Makers the freedom to select who they want to work with.

Using the date and time block our clients add to their form, our operations team books up to four 30-minute calls, either on Zoom or phone. During these time blocks, the client interviews each Freedom Maker.

For more information about our Selection Calls, please see our short training video.

The sooner you let us know who you want to work with, the better. Often, a Freedom Maker will apply for multiple opportunities. By deciding quickly, you have a better chance that your top choice is still available.

Once you choose, we move to our third step, the Kick Off Call. To help our clients plan ahead, we offer the following Kick Off Call windows: M, W, F: 11:00am - 1:00pm ET T, TH: 2:00pm - 4:00pm ET

Below are sample questions to consider asking, as well as questions to avoid.

Questions to ASK

Questions to AVOID

<aside> 💡 The following graphic is available to download and print, if you prefer:

