Our clients have asked about ways they can recognize their Freedom Makers. In a typical office setting, a boss might drop by with a small token of appreciation, like a cup of coffee. However, in our virtual world, it's a bit more complex.
Below are ideas to help you brainstorm. Gifts are certainly not expected. An easy way to learn about your Freedom Maker’s preferences is using our tool called My Favorite Things.
Common Recognition Days
- Dates vary
- Your Freedom Maker’s birthday (ask them if they want to share it)
- Your Assignment’s anniversary (1+ years from the Kick Off Call). We’ll remind you with an email.
- Your company’s anniversary
- March:
- International Women’s Day (March 8)
- April
- Administrative Professionals Day (always the Wednesday of the last full week in April)
- May
- Military Spouse Appreciation Day (always the Friday before Mother’s Day)
- Virtual Assistant Day (always the third Friday)
- November
- Veterans Day (November 11)
- December
- FMVS emails clients the option to give a holiday bonus, if they choose
Gift Ideas
- A monetary thank you:
- A bonus: submit our form and we will take care of giving your Freedom Maker a bonus for you.
- Give them a raise: Contact your CSM team. For example, if you want to give your Freedom Maker a $1 raise, we would raise your rate by $1, and 100% of that $1 will go to your Freedom Maker.
- If you only have their email address:
- A gift card (Starbucks, Amazon, GrubHub, favorite restaurant, etc)
- An electronic card to tell them how much you appreciate them
- A small donation to their favorite charity
- Enroll them in a professional development class they want to attend
- If you have their mailing address:
- Branded item from your company
- Flowers or a live plant
- Gift basket
- A gift, such as a candle, tea, lotion, book, etc.