Sometimes the occasion arises that you need to pause your assignment. We do have a practice in place to allow you to pause your assignment up to 3 months.

If you want to pause, we ask you to answer a few short questions in our Pause Request Form. If needed, please reach out to Sharmin or Sarah for guidance.

We ask that you notify us for any pause that lasts longer than one month. For short vacations, etc, please just discuss with your Freedom Maker. But if your assignment goes longer than one month without activity, we have practices in place that alert us to assignments that go inactive (i.e. no hours logged), per the contract. By alerting us to a pause, we can move your account into a paused status, so that we know not to worry when no hours are being logged.

Pauses longer than 3 months will move your account to an Inactive status. It is easy to reactivate your account when you return, although your Freedom Maker may not be available anymore. Additionally, there is a restart fee when you move from inactive back to active, which is 1/2 off of the standard set up fee. This goes toward getting you reestablished in the system, and searching for a new Freedom Maker.