There may be times when your Freedom Maker may need to take extended leave for such things like a surgery or pregnancy. As an independent contractor, they get to determine the amount of time they will take before returning to work for you.

This document discusses some of the possibilities, and outlines what we can do to assist you during the extended leave period.

Notification from your Freedom Maker

Transparency is a guiding principle of FMVS.  We ask our Freedom Makers to share the news with their clients as soon as they are comfortable. There is no hard and fast rule about when they will let you know, but we do ask for at least 8 weeks notice when possible.

Once your Freedom Maker determines the amount of time off they intend to take off, they are asked to take the following steps:

Next steps: Ways we can help

The following options are what clients generally prefer when their Freedom Maker takes extended leave. We are open to other arrangements should the following options not address your specific situation.  Please contact the Client Success Team or book a call to discuss.

Wrapping Up the Extended Leave

Approximately 2-3 weeks before the end of the extended leave, the team will check in with the Freedom Maker to ensure that everything is on schedule for their return. We will then check in with you to relay any updates, as well as to plan the transition.

The transition back is simple. You decide whether you want overlap, or if the temporary Freedom Maker stops the same day the initial Freedom Maker starts back up. Let the CSM team know how to proceed, and we will get everything lined up for you. Our Operations team will transfer hours in Ivy at the appropriate time.

Other issues that may arise