There are many ways to earn rewards at FMVS!

  1. Share about us on social media, tag FMVS, and email the link to Sharmin.
    1. Limit: one hour per month.
    2. Even better, build this into your Freedom Maker’s monthly recurring tasks and have help earning hours!
  2. Review us on for a one-time complimentary hour. You will receive your hour when your review goes live.
  3. We love referrals. If you refer a client, and they buy hours, you earn two!
    1. Even if you become an Inactive client, you can still earn referral rewards for when you return to FMVS.
  4. Purchase in bulk. Starting at 50 hours purchased per calendar month (across all of your Freedom Maker assignments), earn one complimentary hour. 60-69 hours earns 2 hours, 70-79 earns 3, and so on, up to our max of 12 hours at 160.
    1. Use our rewards program for an “hours buying strategy.” For example, you can buy a large block of hours one month, and not buy hours for the next month. In the meantime, you’ve earned a reward! Our hours never expire.
  5. Annual Reward Program, based on the anniversary of your assignment.
    1. More than one assignment equals multiple anniversaries.
    2. During that anniversary month, we will offer $1 off each hour purchased.
    3. In the event that a rate increase happens during your anniversary month, we will honor your anniversary the following month.

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