Our hourly rates depend on the type of support you are seeking. Please book a call, so we can figure out what rate is right for you.
$41/hour - Stay within the lines. This is work that needs to be managed more closely, has templates and an outlined workflow. Examples would be data entry, basic email management and scheduling.
$47/hour - Take it and Run with it. This is a more independent virtual assistant who assists with workflows, operations and is more of a thought partner. Examples would be CRM management, executive administrative support, or social media management.
$44/hour - Split the difference. This is somebody that can do a little bit of both, but won’t be a full thought partner. Examples might be email management and responding to clients, or researching travel.
$2/hour discount for non-profits
Rate examples using social media:
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All hourly rate discussions should be with FMVS, rather than with your Freedom Maker.