If you would like to add or replace a Freedom Maker, our rates depend on the type of support you are seeking. If you are unsure, please book a call, so we can figure out what rate is right for you.

$41/hour - Stay within the lines. This is work that needs to be managed more closely, has templates and an outlined workflow. Examples would be data entry, basic email management and scheduling.

$47/hour - Take it and Run with it. This is a more independent virtual assistant who assists with workflows, operations and is more of a thought partner. Examples would be CRM management, executive administrative support, or social media management.

$44/hour - Split the difference. This is somebody that can do a little bit of both, but won’t be a full thought partner. Examples might be email management and responding to clients, or researching travel.

We also offer specialty services. Please let us know if you would like to discuss delegating any of the following areas. We may have Freedom Makers with these skills, and if not, we can refer you elsewhere.

$2/hour discount for non-profits

Rate examples using social media: