Should we find that you are not meeting the standards outlined in the Client Expectations Agreement that you've accepted in the original contract, we will internally assess whether FMVS continues to be a good fit for your business. Our Freedom Maker and Client Success teams work closely together to determine if the issue is just a personality or workstyle difference, or if it is something that violates the FMVS standards.

Upon a Freedom Maker's departure from your assignment, we ask them for feedback. Based on the feedback's content and nature, our leadership team will assess whether it violates our standards and if it is necessary to terminate the contract and conclude our working relationship. Examples that would warrant immediate termination include: cruel or degrading behavior toward the Freedom Maker, continuous nonpayment, blatant misalignment toward the military spouse lifestyle or FMVS business model, or unprofessional behavior.

If the feedback is negative, but does not warrant an immediate end to our relationship, the Client Success Team will communicate with you prior to moving forward with a replacement. We will discuss ways to improve consistency, organization, communication, professionalism, or other areas that may have impacted the assignment. We understand that this may be a product of personality differences.

If recurring feedback persists across subsequent Freedom Makers, our leadership team will once more assess whether our services align with your needs.

It is of the utmost importance to us that we honor the trust our military spouses place in us and create supportive environments for all parties involved. Thank you for your understanding.